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Sublist.pm (1708B) - raw

      1 package Sublist;
      2 use strict;
      3 use warnings;
      4 use v5.22;
      5 use Exporter qw<import>;
      6 our @EXPORT_OK = qw<compare_lists>;
      8 sub a_within_b { # assume @a <= @b
      9   my ($a, $b) = @_;
     10   my @a = @{$a};
     11   my @b = @{$b};
     12   # check to see if first element of @a is in @b
     13   # @idx is array that stores all indexes of @b where first element of @a is in @b
     14   my @idx = grep { $b[$_] eq $a[0] } 0 .. $#b;
     15   return 0 unless (@idx); # first element of @a not found anywhere in @b
     16   foreach my $i (@idx) { # loop through each index of @b we found
     17     # skip if the first element of @a occurs too near the end of @b
     18     # (i.e. the remaining elements of @a won't fit in @b)
     19     next if ($i > scalar @b - scalar @a);
     20     # $match counts number of matches of @a in @b.  Start at 1 since we already
     21     # know that the first element of @a was found in @b
     22     my $match = 1;
     23     # sequentially loop through remaining elements of @a to see if they
     24     # appear in order in @b
     25     for (my $a_idx=1, my $b_idx=$i+1; $a_idx<=$#a; $a_idx++, $b_idx++) {
     26       $match++ if ($a[$a_idx] eq $b[$b_idx]);
     27     }
     28     # number of matches has to eqal number of elements in @a
     29     return 1 if ($match == scalar @a);
     30   }
     31   return 0;
     32 }
     34 sub compare_lists {
     35   my ($args) = @_;
     36   my @a = @{$args->{listOne}};
     37   my @b = @{$args->{listTwo}};
     38   return "equal"     if (@a == 0 && @b == 0); # empty lists
     39   return "sublist"   if (@a == 0 && @b > 0);  # empty list within non empty list
     40   return "superlist" if (@a > 0  && @b == 0); # non empty list contains empty list
     41   return "equal"     if (@a == @b && a_within_b(\@a, \@b));
     42   return "superlist" if (@a > @b && a_within_b(\@b, \@a));
     43   return "sublist"   if (a_within_b(\@a, \@b));
     44   return "unequal";
     45 }
     47 1;