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proverb.t (3263B) - raw

      1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
      2 use strict;
      3 use warnings;
      5 use Test2::Bundle::More;
      6 use JSON::PP qw(decode_json);
      7 use FindBin  qw($Bin);
      8 use lib $Bin, "$Bin/local/lib/perl5";
     10 my $module = 'Proverb';
     11 my $sub    = 'proverb';
     13 my $cases;
     14 {
     15     local $/ = undef;
     16     $cases = decode_json scalar <DATA>;
     17 }
     19 plan 3 + @$cases;
     21 ok -e "$Bin/$module.pm", "missing $module.pm"
     22     or BAIL_OUT("You need to create a class called $module.pm");
     24 eval "use $module";
     25 ok !$@, "Cannot load $module.pm"
     26     or BAIL_OUT("Does $module.pm compile?  Does it end with 1; ?");
     28 can_ok( $module, 'proverb' )
     29     or BAIL_OUT("Missing package $module; or missing sub proverb()");
     31 $sub = "${module}::proverb";
     33 foreach my $c (@$cases) {
     34     no strict 'refs';
     35     my $expected = join "" => @{ $c->{expected} };
     36     is $sub->( $c->{param}, $c->{qualifier} || "" ), $expected, $c->{name};
     37 }
     39 __DATA__
     40 [
     41     {
     42         "param"     : ["nail", "shoe"],
     43         "expected"  : ["For want of a nail the shoe was lost.\n",
     44                       "And all for the want of a nail."],
     45         "name"      : "one consequence"
     46     },
     47     {
     48         "param"     : ["nail", "shoe", "horse"],
     49         "expected"  : ["For want of a nail the shoe was lost.\n",
     50                        "For want of a shoe the horse was lost.\n",
     51                        "And all for the want of a nail."],
     52         "name"      : "two consequences"
     53     },
     54     {
     55         "param"     : ["nail", "shoe", "horse", "rider"],
     56         "expected"  : ["For want of a nail the shoe was lost.\n",
     57                        "For want of a shoe the horse was lost.\n",
     58                        "For want of a horse the rider was lost.\n",
     59                        "And all for the want of a nail."],
     60         "name"      : "three consequences"
     61     },
     62     {
     63         "param"     : ["key", "value"],
     64         "expected"  : ["For want of a key the value was lost.\n",
     65                       "And all for the want of a key."],
     66         "name"      : "one consequence, new items"
     67     },
     68     {
     69         "param"     : ["nail", "shoe", "horse", "rider", "message", "battle", "kingdom"],
     70         "expected"  : ["For want of a nail the shoe was lost.\n",
     71                        "For want of a shoe the horse was lost.\n",
     72                        "For want of a horse the rider was lost.\n",
     73                        "For want of a rider the message was lost.\n",
     74                        "For want of a message the battle was lost.\n",
     75                        "For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.\n",
     76                        "And all for the want of a nail."],
     77         "name"      : "whole proverb"
     78     },
     79     {
     80         "param"     : ["nail", "shoe", "horse", "rider", "message", "battle", "kingdom"],
     81         "qualifier" : "horseshoe",
     82         "expected"  : ["For want of a nail the shoe was lost.\n",
     83                        "For want of a shoe the horse was lost.\n",
     84                        "For want of a horse the rider was lost.\n",
     85                        "For want of a rider the message was lost.\n",
     86                        "For want of a message the battle was lost.\n",
     87                        "For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.\n",
     88                        "And all for the want of a horseshoe nail."],
     89         "name"      : "whole proverb with qualifier"
     90     }
     91 ]