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BinarySearchTree.pm (1722B) - raw

      1 package BinarySearchTree;
      2 use strict;
      3 use warnings;
      4 use Exporter qw<import>;
      5 our @EXPORT_OK = qw<tree treeSort>;
      7 #
      8 # implementation of binary search tree
      9 # as demonstrated in "Perl Cookbook" by Tom Christiansen and Nathan Torkington
     10 # https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/perl-cookbook/1565922433/
     11 #
     13 sub create_new_node {
     14     my $value      = shift;
     15     # create anonymous array to represent the new node
     16     my $tree       = {};
     17     $tree->{data}  = $value;
     18     $tree->{left}  = undef;
     19     $tree->{right} = undef;
     20     return $tree;
     21 }
     23 sub insert {
     24     my ( $tree, $value ) = @_;
     26     # if node we want to insert (at any location in the tree) does not exist,
     27     # create it and return a reference to the anonymous array containing it
     28     # by updating the value that was passed to the subroutine ($tree)
     29     unless ( $tree ) {
     30         $_[0] = create_new_node ( $value );
     31         return; # need to return since we just created a new node
     32     }
     34     # recursively find where to place new node in the tree
     35     if ( $tree->{data} < $value ) { insert ( $tree->{right}, $value ) }
     36     else                          { insert ( $tree->{left},  $value ) }
     37 }
     39 sub tree {
     40   my ($data) = @_;
     41   my $tree;
     42   insert ( $tree, $_ ) foreach ( @{ $data } );
     43   return $tree;
     44 }
     46 # recurse on left subtree, obtain root, recurse on right tree
     47 # until we get to empty node
     48 sub in_order {
     49     my($tree) = @_;
     50     return () unless $tree;
     51     return (
     52         in_order($tree->{left}),
     53                  $tree->{data},
     54         in_order($tree->{right})
     55     );
     56 }
     58 # You are expected to create a tree and then do an in-order walk.
     59 # Using the sort() function is cheating!
     60 sub treeSort {
     61   my ($data) = @_;
     62   return [in_order( tree ( $data ) )];
     63 }
     65 1;