# Meetup Welcome to Meetup on Exercism's Perl 5 Track. If you need help running the tests or submitting your code, check out `HELP.md`. ## Instructions In this exercise, you will be given a general description of a meetup date and then asked to find the actual meetup date. Examples of general descriptions are: - First Monday of January 2022 - Third Tuesday of August 2021 - Teenth Wednesday of May 2022 - Teenth Sunday of July 2021 - Last Thursday of November 2021 The descriptors you are expected to process are: `first`, `second`, `third`, `fourth`, `fifth`, `last`, `teenth`. Note that descriptor `teenth` is a made-up word. There are exactly seven numbered days in a month that end with "teenth" ("thirteenth" to "nineteenth"). Therefore, it is guaranteed that each day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, ...) will have exactly one numbered day ending with "teenth" each month. For example, if given "First Monday of January 2022", the correct meetup date is January 3, 2022. ## Source ### Created by - @dnmfarrell ### Contributed to by - @bistik - @kytrinyx - @m-dango - @rfilipo ### Based on Jeremy Hinegardner mentioned a Boulder meetup that happens on the Wednesteenth of every month - https://twitter.com/copiousfreetime