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anagram.t (4176B) - raw

      1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
      2 use Test2::V0;
      3 use JSON::PP;
      4 use constant JSON => JSON::PP->new;
      6 use FindBin qw<$Bin>;
      7 use lib $Bin, "$Bin/local/lib/perl5";
      9 use Anagram qw<match_anagrams>;
     11 my @test_cases = do { local $/; @{ JSON->decode(<DATA>) }; };
     12 plan 15;
     14 imported_ok qw<match_anagrams> or bail_out;
     16 for my $case (@test_cases) {
     17   is match_anagrams( $case->{input} ), $case->{expected},
     18     $case->{description};
     19 }
     21 __DATA__
     22 [
     23   {
     24     "description": "no matches",
     25     "expected": [],
     26     "input": {
     27       "candidates": [
     28         "hello",
     29         "world",
     30         "zombies",
     31         "pants"
     32       ],
     33       "subject": "diaper"
     34     },
     35     "property": "findAnagrams"
     36   },
     37   {
     38     "description": "detects two anagrams",
     39     "expected": [
     40       "stream",
     41       "maters"
     42     ],
     43     "input": {
     44       "candidates": [
     45         "stream",
     46         "pigeon",
     47         "maters"
     48       ],
     49       "subject": "master"
     50     },
     51     "property": "findAnagrams"
     52   },
     53   {
     54     "description": "does not detect anagram subsets",
     55     "expected": [],
     56     "input": {
     57       "candidates": [
     58         "dog",
     59         "goody"
     60       ],
     61       "subject": "good"
     62     },
     63     "property": "findAnagrams"
     64   },
     65   {
     66     "description": "detects anagram",
     67     "expected": [
     68       "inlets"
     69     ],
     70     "input": {
     71       "candidates": [
     72         "enlists",
     73         "google",
     74         "inlets",
     75         "banana"
     76       ],
     77       "subject": "listen"
     78     },
     79     "property": "findAnagrams"
     80   },
     81   {
     82     "description": "detects three anagrams",
     83     "expected": [
     84       "gallery",
     85       "regally",
     86       "largely"
     87     ],
     88     "input": {
     89       "candidates": [
     90         "gallery",
     91         "ballerina",
     92         "regally",
     93         "clergy",
     94         "largely",
     95         "leading"
     96       ],
     97       "subject": "allergy"
     98     },
     99     "property": "findAnagrams"
    100   },
    101   {
    102     "description": "detects multiple anagrams with different case",
    103     "expected": [
    104       "Eons",
    105       "ONES"
    106     ],
    107     "input": {
    108       "candidates": [
    109         "Eons",
    110         "ONES"
    111       ],
    112       "subject": "nose"
    113     },
    114     "property": "findAnagrams"
    115   },
    116   {
    117     "description": "does not detect non-anagrams with identical checksum",
    118     "expected": [],
    119     "input": {
    120       "candidates": [
    121         "last"
    122       ],
    123       "subject": "mass"
    124     },
    125     "property": "findAnagrams"
    126   },
    127   {
    128     "description": "detects anagrams case-insensitively",
    129     "expected": [
    130       "Carthorse"
    131     ],
    132     "input": {
    133       "candidates": [
    134         "cashregister",
    135         "Carthorse",
    136         "radishes"
    137       ],
    138       "subject": "Orchestra"
    139     },
    140     "property": "findAnagrams"
    141   },
    142   {
    143     "description": "detects anagrams using case-insensitive subject",
    144     "expected": [
    145       "carthorse"
    146     ],
    147     "input": {
    148       "candidates": [
    149         "cashregister",
    150         "carthorse",
    151         "radishes"
    152       ],
    153       "subject": "Orchestra"
    154     },
    155     "property": "findAnagrams"
    156   },
    157   {
    158     "description": "detects anagrams using case-insensitive possible matches",
    159     "expected": [
    160       "Carthorse"
    161     ],
    162     "input": {
    163       "candidates": [
    164         "cashregister",
    165         "Carthorse",
    166         "radishes"
    167       ],
    168       "subject": "orchestra"
    169     },
    170     "property": "findAnagrams"
    171   },
    172   {
    173     "description": "does not detect an anagram if the original word is repeated",
    174     "expected": [],
    175     "input": {
    176       "candidates": [
    177         "go Go GO"
    178       ],
    179       "subject": "go"
    180     },
    181     "property": "findAnagrams"
    182   },
    183   {
    184     "description": "anagrams must use all letters exactly once",
    185     "expected": [],
    186     "input": {
    187       "candidates": [
    188         "patter"
    189       ],
    190       "subject": "tapper"
    191     },
    192     "property": "findAnagrams"
    193   },
    194   {
    195     "description": "words are not anagrams of themselves (case-insensitive)",
    196     "expected": [],
    197     "input": {
    198       "candidates": [
    199         "BANANA",
    200         "Banana",
    201         "banana"
    202       ],
    203       "subject": "BANANA"
    204     },
    205     "property": "findAnagrams"
    206   },
    207   {
    208     "description": "words other than themselves can be anagrams",
    209     "expected": [
    210       "Silent"
    211     ],
    212     "input": {
    213       "candidates": [
    214         "Listen",
    215         "Silent",
    216         "LISTEN"
    217       ],
    218       "subject": "LISTEN"
    219     },
    220     "property": "findAnagrams"
    221   }
    222 ]