#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use CGI; my $form = CGI->new; print $form->header( "text/html" ); print $form->start_html( -title => "Register to our Mailing List" ); print $form->h1( "Mailing List Signup" ); print $form->p( "Please fill out this form to be notified via email about updates and future product announcements." ); print $form->start_form( method => "register.cgi", action => "POST", ); foreach (qw( Name Email )) { print $form->p( "$_:", $form->textfield( -name => lc( $_ ) ) ); } print $form->p( "Password:", $form->password_field( -name => "password" ) ); print $form->checkbox( -name => "checkbox", -value => "my_checkbox", -label => "My Checkbox", ); print $form->checkbox_group ( -name => "toppings", -values => [ qw( lettuce tomato onions ) ], -labels => { "lettuce" => "Lettuce", "tomato" => "Tomato", "onions" => "Onions", }, -columns => 1, ); print $form->hr; print $form->submit( -name => "submit", -value => "Submit Now", ); print $form->reset; print $form->end_form; print $form->end_html;