#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use CGI; use CGI::Cookie (); use MD5 (); use Crypt::CBC (); use constant TRIES => 6; use constant COOKIE_NAME => 'guess_number_4'; use constant SECRET => 'mySuperSecretSecret'; my $game = CGI->new; my $CIPHER ||= Crypt::CBC->new( SECRET, 'IDEA' ); # state maintenance subroutines sub get_state { my %cookie = $game->cookie( COOKIE_NAME ); return undef unless %cookie; # decrypt the cookie my %state = split ':', $CIPHER->decrypt_hex( %cookie ); authentication_error() unless cookie_check( \%state, 'check'); return \%state; } sub initialize { my $state = shift; $state = {} unless $state; $state->{NUMBER} = int( rand( 99 ) ) + 1; $state->{GAMENO} += 1; $state->{GUESSES_LEFT} = TRIES; $state->{WON} += 0; $state->{GUESSED} = ''; return $state; } sub save_state { my $state = shift; cookie_check( $state, 'generate' ); # encrypt cookie my $encrypted = $CIPHER->encrypt_hex(join ':', %{$state}); return CGI::Cookie->new ( -name => COOKIE_NAME, -value => $encrypted, -expires => '+1M', ); } # game play logic sub process_guess { my ( $guess, $state ) = @_; # process list of previous guesses my %guessed = map { $_ => 1 } split /,/, $state->{GUESSED}; # do nothing if user did not enter a guess return ('', 'continue') unless $guess; # ensure guess is a valid number between 1 and 100 return ("Not a valid guess.", 'error') unless $guess =~ m/^[1-9][0-9]?$|^100$/; # check if user already entered this guess previously return ("You already guessed that number.", 'error') if $guessed{ $guess }; # we have a valid guess. update list of guesses $guessed{ $guess } = 1; $state->{GUESSED} = join ',', sort keys %guessed; $state->{GUESSES_LEFT}--; # the order of the checks is important here. At this point, it's # possible that the player has used their last guess. Therefore, # we first check whether the guess is correct # guess is correct! if ( $guess == $state->{NUMBER} ) { $state->{WON}++; return ("Congratulations! You guessed that the correct number was $state->{NUMBER}!", 'won'); } # if the guess is not correct AND we are out of guesses... return ("Sorry, you ran out of turns. The number was $state->{NUMBER}.", 'lost') unless ($state->{GUESSES_LEFT} && $guess != $state->{NUMBER}); # otherwise... # guess too low return ("Your guess is too low.", 'continue') if ( $guess < $state->{NUMBER} ); # ...or # guess is too high return ("Your guess is too high.", 'continue') if ( $guess > $state->{NUMBER} ); } # html generation subroutines sub print_header { my $state = shift; print $game->header( -type => "text/html", -charset => 'utf-8', -cookie => save_state( $state ), ); print $game->start_html( -title => "Guess a Secret Number!", -onLoad => 'if (document.gf) document.gf.guess.focus()' ); print $game->h1( 'Guess a Secret Number Interactive Game' ); } sub print_status { my ( $message, $state ) = @_; # draw table print $game->table( { -border=>"0", -width=>"50%" }, $game->Tr( $game->td( $game->b("Game #: "), $state->{GAMENO} ), $game->td( $game->b("Wins: "), $state->{WON} ) ), $game->Tr( $game->td( $game->b("Guesses Left: "), $state->{GUESSES_LEFT} ), $game->td( $game->b("Numbers Guessed: "), $state->{GUESSED} ) ) ); print $game->h2( $game->font( {-color => 'red'}, $message )) if $message; } sub show_restart_form { my $state = shift; print $game->start_form(); print $game->p( #-style => 'padding-right: 25px', 'Do you want to play again?', ); print $game->submit ( -name => 'restart', -value => 'Play again', #-style => 'padding-left: 25px; padding-right: 25px', ); print $game->checkbox ( -name => 'clear', -label => 'Clear history', ); print $game->end_form(); } sub show_guess_form { my $state = shift; print $game->start_form( -name => 'gf' ); print "Your guess: "; print $game->textfield ( -inputmode => 'numeric', # force number pad on mobile -pattern => '[0-9]*', # force number pad on mobile -name => 'guess', -value => '', -override => 1 ); print $game->submit ( -name => '_guess', -value => 'Guess' ); print $game->end_form(); } sub print_footer { print $game->hr; print $game->p( 'inspired by Hangman game from ', $game->a( { -href => "https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/writing-apache-modules/156592567X/"}, $game->i( 'Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C') ), ' by Lincoln Stein and Doug MacEachern.' ); print $game->end_html(); } # message authentication checks sub cookie_check { my ($state, $action) = @_; return unless ref( $state ); my @fields = @{$state}{qw(NUMBER GUESSES_LEFT GUESSED GAMENO WON)}; my $newmac = MD5->hexhash( SECRET . MD5->hexhash( join '', SECRET, @fields ) ); return $state->{MAC} = $newmac if $action eq 'generate'; return $newmac eq $state->{MAC} if $action eq 'check'; return undef; } sub authentication_error { my $cookie = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => COOKIE_NAME, -value=>'',-expires => '-1d'); print $game->header(-cookie => $cookie), $game->start_html(-title => 'Authentication Error'), $game->h1($game->font({-color => 'red'}, 'Authentication Error')), $game->p('This application was unable to confirm the integrity of the', 'cookie that holds your current score.', 'Please reload the page to start a fresh session.'), $game->p('If the problem persists, contact the webmaster.'); exit 0; } # begin main program # retrieve current state my $state = get_state() unless $game->param( 'clear' ); # initialize state if we are starting from the beginning (!$state) # or if we are playing another game ($game->param( 'restart' )). if ( !$state || $game->param( 'restart' ) ) { $state = initialize( $state ); } # process current guess, if any my ( $message, $status ) = process_guess( $game->param( 'guess' ) || '', $state ); # generate the HTML page print_header( $state ); print_status( $message, $state ); # prompt user if ( $status =~ /^(won|lost)$/ ) { show_restart_form( $state ); } else { show_guess_form( $state ); } print_footer();