
Repository of programs that demonstrate basic algorithms I've been learning
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      1 #!/usr/local/bin/perl
      3 use warnings;
      4 use strict;
      5 use v5.22;
      6 use JSON;
      7 use Data::Dumper;
      9 #
     10 # this program demonstrates an implementation of breadth-first search as
     11 # described in Chapter 6 of "Grokking Algorithms"
     12 #
     13 #
     15 my %graph = (
     16         you     => [qw( alice bob claire )],
     17         bob     => [qw( anuj peggy )],
     18         alice   => [qw( peggy )],
     19         claire  => [qw( thom jonny )],
     20         anuj    => [],
     21         peggy   => [],
     22         thom    => [],
     23         jonny   => [],
     24 );
     26 #print to_json( \%graph, { pretty => 1 } );
     28 sub person_is_seller {
     29     my $person = shift;
     30     return $person =~ m/m\Z/;
     31 }
     33 sub search {
     34     my $name = shift;
     35     my @queue = @{$graph{$name}};
     36     my %searched = ();
     37     while (@queue) {
     38         my $person = shift @queue;  # grab 1st person off queue
     39         say "checking $person...";
     40         # unless we've already searched this person
     41         unless ($searched{$person}) {
     42             if (person_is_seller($person)) { # check if person is seller
     43                 say "$person is a seller";
     44                 return 1;
     45             } else { # if not, ... 
     46                 # ... add all of person's friends to back of queue ...
     47                 push @queue => @{$graph{$person}};
     48                 # ... and add person to the searched hash
     49                 $searched{$person} = 1;
     50             }
     51         }
     52     }
     53     # we've searched through everyone (queue is empty)
     54     return 0; # no seller found
     55 }
     57 if (search("you")) {
     58     say "you know a mango seller!";
     59 } else {
     60     say "sorry.  you do not know a mango seller :(";
     61 }